
Paul Josephson has 25 years of clinical experience, working with individuals who are suffering from depression, anxiety, low self esteem and relationship issues (personal and professional). Paul also works with individuals who want to maintain or improve their already successful lives.
Paul utilizes a dynamic approach that is focused in the present. His clients have found great satisfaction in results obtained from both short and long term work. Many have commented on an approach that is highly interactive. The vast majority of Paul′s patients receive significant reimbursements from their insurance companies (please feel free to discuss this when making your initial inquires). Paul is committed to engaging patients who have a high probability of obtaining positive and fulfilling results.


Insight oriented psycho­dynamic psycho­therapy examines the patient′s past and⁄or can remain firmly rooted in the present. The intention is to transform behaviors to support more positive feelings and a more productive personal and professional life. This work can be richly layered and explorative and can also be very pragmatic and solutions oriented.
Couples and Relationship Counseling:
Couples counseling is highly interactive and is intended to be short term. The goal is overcome obstacles to communication and to identify ways for the couple to better support their relationship. The intention is to stay in the present while recognizing that past experiences may influence the couple’s current dynamic. Relationship counseling can also help individuals in forming more enduring and productive relationships both in their personal and work lives.
Business and Success Coaching:
Very often individuals with high levels of skill, education and professional experience find that their work or business is not at the level of achievement expected or desired. Removing emotional obstacles, freeing insight and creativity and developing pragmatic strategies will help to realize desired goals.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):
Is a form of therapy that emphasizes how our thoughts and perceptions influence our emotional states and behaviors. It is a highly pragmatic approach that assists the client in developing new strategies to overcome repetitive negative feelings and reactions to situations.
Is an intensive form of therapy where the analysand and the analyst meet several times a week and deeply explore the emotional states, both conscious and unconscious, of the patient. This work can be extraordinarily satisfying and challenging requiring a deep commitment from both the therapist and the patient.

What My Clients Say:

Paul′s presence has a power that is palpable. In his office, I have felt freer to express myself — to say that which is the hardest to say — than in any other setting. The reason is that he listens, understands, and respects in a way that is total, not partial.

You feel you can say things that you might ever be afraid to say to yourself. During our sessions I felt life losing its edge. Crises became mere problems; challenges, mere errands; the impossible melted into the mere difficult.


New York City

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